empty theater hall of classic design

I’d like to thank the following people

Benny Hill, Howard Stern, Richard Pryor, Alvarez Guedes, George Carlin, Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle, Bill Burr, Mitch Hedberg, Gallagher, Steven Wright, Louis CK, Bill Hicks, Sam Kinison, Andrew Dice Clay, Brian Regan, Jerry Seinfeld, the Indelible Joan Rivers, and MOST IMPORTANTLY my dad, for giving me the GIFT OF HUMOR.

Life is like getting a fruitcake loaf at Christmas. Did you ask for it? No. Are you still going to enjoy a nibble or two secretly when no one is watching? Of course you are! It’s a stretch for a metaphor, but it’s in there.

We have the gift of life and we waste it being sour over everything. I embrace every single ounce of its stupidity. There are fewer years ahead of me than there are behind me. I will not go down in tears. Actually, I probably will. Tears of laughter, hopefully.

As a human, I reserve the right to mock everything we stupid humans do. Because if I didn’t laugh…..yah, you know….boo-hoo central. So thank you to all the funny people. You make life worth living.

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