purple green and orange abstract painting

If you have to tell people you are

Margaret Thatcher once said, “Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.”

I liken this quote to the anonymous philanthropist that donates copious amounts of money to a school or hospital, but doesn’t need their name plastered all over it. I have much more respect for the silent philanthropist than I do for the names I know.

You will find that I do not write much about web development or technology, or even photography. I don’t talk about methods, processes, techniques. After all, this is still just kinda my personal blog/portfolio. I never meant for it to be a source of tech info – there are plenty of specialty websites for that.

It’s just that at this point in my life, I’m not all-consumed by it. While I enjoy it immensely, pretty sure I was born to work in tech, I would never say I’m an expert of anything.

Anyone who tells you they’re an expert is probably lying or erroneously thinks very highly of themselves. Very rarely do true experts call themselves such. Again, not saying I’m an expert of any sort. I know my limitations and there is plenty I don’t know or want to know. That’s what other people in tech are for.

However, I’ve been making websites long before people needed degrees and fancy papers to prove it. I taught myself. I’m proud of the work I’ve done both personally and professionally. This is a small catalog of my life’s work, with my heart on my sleeve for the world to see, haters be damned.

So, dear recruiters, in the future when you pass on me for a position I could do in my sleep, believe me when I say, the loss is yours.

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