If you need a real good ole fashioned happy-ugly cry, watch this. This is the most amazing moment ever in this man’s life. This is on the same level as babies who get their cochlear implants turned on and they hear their mother’s voice for the first time (I’m wellingContinue Reading


Mother’s Day started out just as I have ever wanted. Quiet. Fed. Off duty. The last thing I wanted to be yesterday was mom, though I still ended up washing dishes and making dinner later in the night. I was in the middle of a race on Mario Kart, whenContinue Reading

people dancing inside building

There’s a group on Facebook for fans of Power Pop that I participate in from time to time. Someone in the group made a post that kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Not because of what he said, but because of how poorly it ends up coming across to someoneContinue Reading

Disclaimer: This is not a tutorial on how to use Photoshop. Technically, while I do own the copyright to my photos, concerts and all, selling the concert ones is kind of complicated. I CAN sell them, I just can’t host them on third party vendor or print-on-demand websites as photographs.Continue Reading