people dancing inside building

There’s a group on Facebook for fans of Power Pop that I participate in from time to time. Someone in the group made a post that kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Not because of what he said, but because of how poorly it ends up coming across to someoneContinue Reading

We learned our lesson and started our flowers and veggies indoors this year. Sure enough temperatures dropped below freezing and it snowed. The foxglove seeds finally germinated. These are day old sprouts shot through a macro adapter, not an actual macro lens. I still love the way it looks. IfContinue Reading

Disclaimer: This is not a tutorial on how to use Photoshop. Technically, while I do own the copyright to my photos, concerts and all, selling the concert ones is kind of complicated. I CAN sell them, I just can’t host them on third party vendor or print-on-demand websites as photographs.Continue Reading

person holding injection

The lady who gave me my second covid shot yesterday was a real hoot. Exactly the kind of person you want providing health aid of any kind. When I walked in to the room, she complimented my name and said it sounded regal and she didn’t know whether to bowContinue Reading

It seems this pandemic has affected society in greater ways than the spread of a coronavirus. I get this sense these days, that it’s nearly impossible to be successful or happy. There’s always going to be some asshole to rain on your parade, call you selfish, tell you you lackContinue Reading

When did someone tell you you were too old to color? Who made you feel like that? Why did you listen? When did someone issue a mandate to the world that you were too old to blow bubbles? Or swing high? The downside to being home a lot is theContinue Reading