people dancing inside building

The politics of dancing

There’s a group on Facebook for fans of Power Pop that I participate in from time to time. Someone in the group made a post that kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Not because of what he said, but because of how poorly it ends up coming across to someone like me.

He basically said that singer Eric Carmen has a punchable face. Charming, no?

What he’s basically saying is that, despite the fact that Eric Carmen was a decent musician and front man for The Raspberries, he feels the urge to be violent against him because he is a conservative. I start to dig deeper into the guy who made this post and see that he is in Ontario and based on his posts, very angry/frustrated about their current lockdown situation. It’s pretty restrictive; I’d be going fucking nuts. He’s also very angry at anyone from any political ideologies that aren’t aligned with his. Ok, whatever. <insert eyeroll>

I guess he was trying to come across as some kind of cool guy with a high and mighty opinion of himself for posting this. But, it backfired on him immensely and I am thankful to the great Flying Spaghetti Monster there are still rational people left in this world.

I dunno but…

Plenty of musicians(nearly all of them) I love have opinions that are not in line with mine. But it’s the only platform I’ll give differing opinions a pass because I have the basic understanding that politics and music have been intertwined for centuries. I don’t have to agree with the politics to still love the music.

And if you feel you need to be violent against someone because of politics, get help. You have a problem. Go get some sunshine on your butthole or something.