railroad tracks in city

Like the swing bridge in CT, I get excited when I can catch some form of engineering doing its thing in its entirety. The other day, I got caught at the crossing near the house and of course I had to start recording. This particular train is pulling new cars.Continue Reading

Last night, my youngest who was supposed to be sleeping, used one of her stall tactics to show me a picture she drew at summer camp. I was trying to shoo her off to be, but she assured me it would be worth it. It was. GET YOURS HERE https://cosmiccatcreations.com/shop/mugs/ceramic/i-need-pure-silence/Continue Reading

Cake is an interesting band. Their music is not hard, not soft, not fast or slow. Their music is its own thing. I was stoked about them playing Firefly in 2012 since I’d never seen them and now I was going to get to photograph them too. They were soContinue Reading

Despite the fact that I’ve lived mostly in cities and suburbs, I’m slowly coming to the realization that maybe we need to go full rural. We have a beautiful country. It’s too bad some of its citizens cannot appreciate it more.Continue Reading

men standing beside body of water

I will do my best to do my duty. To God and my Country. To help other people. And to obey the laws of the pack.” When my brother was finally at the age he could commence his scouting life, my father and his friend, the owner of a localContinue Reading