The Commute

My commute to work is a 17 mile country road from hell.

First, the condition. The portion of the road that runs through the county I live in isn’t terrible. However, the two lanes are too narrow for the kind of traffic that now uses it. Every day I brace myself for the semi, cement truck or asshole not paying attention, to cross over and hit me head on. I’ve had two misses already. I don’t have a good feeling about that, but, taking the highway would actually add 20 minutes to my commute. I’ll take my chances.

When I cross into the county where I work, the road is literally Swiss fucking cheese. Holes big enough to fuck your car up. The holes are the worst on the passenger side when I’m driving north to work. Every car plays Dodge-a-Hole and it gets as sketch as it can.

Next, it is evident to me that the people who actually carved out these roads between their farms soooo many years ago were absolutely NOT civil engineers. This road was designed by drunk hillbillies. One particular spot, the speed limit is 55 but you have to slow down to 30 to navigate not one, but TWO L-shaped bends – one goes right, the other goes left.

The worst part are the speeders. Since I take this road every fucking day, you learn to spot the same cars over and over. There are three cars in particular: 2 from the morning, 1 from the afternoon. The two in the morning are a white Honda and a black Jeep. I’ll drive 5mph above the speed limit of 45mps where I can but that isn’t enough for them because they RIDE MY ASS for miles. These two assholes have tailgated me in every hazardous weather situation. But it’s the one in the afternoon that is just….*chef’s kiss*

This asshole

This asshole was tailgating me on a very rainy day. He had a perfectly shiny new Toyota, and on this particular day, he was behind me on the road. I was driving slower than usual because of guys like this, when he decided it wasn’t fast enough for him and he decides to pass me on a double yellow. Well, dipshit lost control of his car, hit a pole and landed in the muddy ass cornfield. I felt bad for him, but no one told him to do that.

NOW, I get the pleasure of seeing him every single day, same time, usually the same spot going the opposite way. I’ve tried to get his attention to wave or something but that guy looks like he’s having a fucked up enough life as it is. I’ll give him a break.

Not everything is bad though.

In the winter, I was exposed to the most majestic sunrises and moonsets I’ve ever seen. The skies are colors you never think a sky could be. The openness of Indiana is a far cry from the skyscrapers and mountains of the northeast. It’s Sky360. And I know I should not use my phone while driving, but I can’t help to capture the scene sometimes because otherwise people would never believe me when I say the sky was every color of the rainbow. Environmentally I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing, but in the meantime, I’m going to enjoy the fuck out of the splendor and glory that is our planet Earth.

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