man in black and white polo shirt beside writing board

I Heard You Missed Us, We’re Back

It’s BACK TO SCHOOL TIME! I am so excited for our session to start.

This year, I am in charge of the Junior class at my high school -although our office provides support to all students when they are in need or are experiencing a crisis, which seemed to be almost daily last year.

Our town had a black cloud looming over it. The year was stressful and emotional, not just for us, but also for all who were impacted. As a result, many of our resources in the Counseling/Guidance office were depleted. Resources include: water, snacks, coloring pages, and other destressing tools.

I have an Amazon wish list I would like to clear for the year in order to replenish some or all of our supplies. An unfortunate number of kids at our school go hungry – over 45% of our population is on the Free/Reduced Lunch plan. The remaining kids rack up so much money owed, many of those kids go hungry as well because they’re embarrassed to go through the line and ask for a meal.

Other items will be used for mental health support for the kids who come to our office as a place of respite, and to create a more welcoming and informative space for all the students looking for information relative to them.

Help me Clear My List!

Our kids will really appreciate it. We will too.


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