people dancing inside building

There’s a group on Facebook for fans of Power Pop that I participate in from time to time. Someone in the group made a post that kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Not because of what he said, but because of how poorly it ends up coming across to someoneContinue Reading

Disclaimer: This is not a tutorial on how to use Photoshop. Technically, while I do own the copyright to my photos, concerts and all, selling the concert ones is kind of complicated. I CAN sell them, I just can’t host them on third party vendor or print-on-demand websites as photographs.Continue Reading

person holding injection

The lady who gave me my second covid shot yesterday was a real hoot. Exactly the kind of person you want providing health aid of any kind. When I walked in to the room, she complimented my name and said it sounded regal and she didn’t know whether to bowContinue Reading