If you’ve never seen the video of how ceramic dinner plates that have a design get painted consistently, you may have seen a manicurist use a gel stamp to imprint on acrylic nails. This same method is used in art, where an artist can paint onto a gelled plate thenContinue Reading

After 10 years, I finally went to visit James Dean’s grave. Just a small, simple stone, in a small simple graveyard in an even smaller, simpler town. But he was a giant by all measures. He was an iconic part of my teenage years – an actor who was allContinue Reading

I loved this song when it came out. It was one of my favorite videos on MTV that was in constant rotation. This block of music would have been, Duran Duran’s Hungry Like the Wolf, Elton John, Bananarama’s Venus, maybe Dire Straits Money for Nothing and Asia’s Heat of theContinue Reading

white l o v e led signage

Last night, after months of preparations, was my youngest daughter’s final elementary school performance. She was Augusta Gloop in their version of Willy Wonka along with many of her bff’s from class. This morning, as she was getting ready for school, I was observing her when I suddenly saw myContinue Reading

down angle photography of red clouds and blue sky

My experience at a high school has been a humbling experience as a human. It’s helped me evaluate my life, the choices I’ve made, and the paths they’ve led me down. Good and bad. I’ve often compared my family’s life to that of the Loman’s in Death of a Salesman.Continue Reading